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发布时间:2022-02-09 16:58:11 源自:www.yilonglh.com 源自:天天句子网 阅读()


1、Held your hand,as if threads on your fingers around。握过你的手,仿佛余温在指尖缠绕。

2、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。

3、think you know everything so do not say the pain.以为你都懂,所以不说痛。


4、There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy。没有哪一种激情像嫉妒那样深植人心。

5、I fundus of sadness,except for you who can see。我眼底的悲伤,除了你谁都看得见。

6、One must never look for happiness: one meets it on the way.一个人切不可刻意寻求幸福:你会在人生旅途中遇上幸福。

7、Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason.在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

8、Love,is the youth frenzy years round of apricot yellow months,fine but hazy。爱情,是青春迷乱岁月里的一轮杏黄月,美好而朦胧。

9、Sometimes, the everlasting hate have no unique period天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期

10、You are too tired mainly because you are too sensitive and too soft.你之所以过得太累,主要源于:你太过敏感,又太过心软。

12、If one day you lost me, I ll never let you find me.如果有一天你把我弄丢了,那我就永远让你找不到我

13、Such rigid is loving you, stems from love, is not willingly.这么执着的爱着你,是出自爱情,还是不甘心。


14、Whatever happened in the past is gone,the best is always yet to come。无论过去发生什么,最好的永远尚未到来。

15、To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。

16、Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent.笑过,闹过,吵过,哭过,如今我需要的是冷漠

17、The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.无声无息的离开最伤人。

18、Beginning from today no longer love you.今天开始不再爱你。

19、I kind of redundant, will be redundant to become your excess.我是怎样的多余,才会多余到变成你的多余。

20、Love is not painful。Circumstances make it painful。And if you’re really in love,that pain will also seem beautiful。爱本身不会让你痛苦,只是外界环境让你们痛苦,但是如果你真的用心爱了,那种痛也是美丽的。

21、When the memories hit you, it hurt当回忆袭来,真的很痛。

22、Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

23、I"m a little paranoid I"d rather be proud than moldy than crazy with a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, emotional cleanliness, possessiveness, hating other people on my things, you touch that I give you good我有点偏执 宁愿高傲到发霉 也不愿死缠到发疯 有轻微强迫症,感情洁癖,占有强欲,讨厌别人沾上我的东西,你碰了那我就给你好了。

24、If I had to forget your eyes before it was dark。如果天黑之前来得及 我要忘了你的眼睛。

25、Loving someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you is like trying to reach for a star: it’s right there in front of you, but it’s millions of miles away.爱一个不爱你的人,就好像摘一颗星。它就在你面前,却可望而不可及

26、I tried to disappear, and no one was interested in me.我试过销声匿迹,最终也无人问津。

27、How long,I can go to the end of the world。还有多久,我才可以走到世界的尽头。


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